Road Safety and Compensation Claims

When it comes to the subject of road safety, there are always different voices quoting from various sources to back up their own particular case. The question therefore remains: are the roads a safer place today than they were in the past or is it more dangerous than ever to take to the tarmac?

As with many things, there are no black and white answers. Your own particular circumstances and relationship to the road will have just as big an impact on safety as any external factors such as road conditions or weather.


Vulnerable road users

Take for instance the case of cyclists. Something which has been in the news a great deal recently are high profile campaigns which aim to raise awareness of the dangers faced by these vulnerable road users. The suggestion that safety enhancing measures could be implemented has also been made, with this another prime focus.

In London, many predicted that the introduction of ‘Boris bikes’, the subsidised system of making shared bicycles available to the general public, would cause an increase in road accidents related to this vehicle. Figures suggest that in 2007 there was a cycling casualty for every 58,000 trips undertaken in the Capital and this has actually fallen to a rate of about 1 in every 49,000 for 2010.

Official government figures released by the Department Of Transport show that people killed or seriously injured on Britain’s roads across the country numbered 52,490 people in 2011, down by 5% from the same period the previous year. However, when it comes to cyclists there has been an 8% year on year rise.

Of course, accidents involving people on two wheels, whether pedal powered or on powerful motorcycles, often cause a knee jerk reaction over where to point the finger of blame. Contrary to popular belief, in many cases it is other road users whose negligence and unawareness towards the needs of cyclists who are to blame for the mishaps which could result serious injuries or even fatalities.


Accident compensation

In fact, any traffic collision might provide the basis for successful road accident claims when it comes to being financial compensated for injuries or other losses suffered. Any situation which results in injury or illness for an innocent party and where blame can be fairly apportioned to a third party is likely to have the grounds for a personal injury claim and its important you consider this action if involved in an accident.

When it comes to injuries sustained by road accidents, making a claim can be a relatively straightforward matter. Insurance is a legal requirement and should be in place to help cover damages to the car, with emotional and physical trauma compensation via personal injury claims.

If the cause of the accident was ill maintained roads or signage, then a public body may well be at fault. In such circumstances, claims will be need to be made against the body or organisation in question.

Motorcycle Accidents and the Blame Game

Although it can be one of the most exciting and exhilarating ways to travel by road, riding a motorcycle is also potentially the most dangerous.

That being said, being the ride or passenger of a bike does not automatically mean that you will suffer an accident or receive an injury. Instead, statistics merely suggest that the chances of you being involved in an incident that could impact your health are far higher than those for other road users.

Statistics for road traffic accidents which involve two wheeled vehicles are high in every country in the world and make for sobering reading. There can be no doubt that it can be a dangerous way to travel – no matter how safe or experienced a rider you may be.

The accident figures really bear no reflection on the skill or awareness of motorcyclists and although it is often quickly assumed that the finger of blame can easily be directed at those in charge of the motorcycle, the cause of an accident is rarely so clear-cut.

Often other road users are blissfully unaware of the presence of smaller vehicles until it is too late and damage has been done. In these cases, even the most cautious of two wheeled operators can fall foul of bad luck.


Staying safe on the road

From ensuring that motor bikes are in top quality road worthy condition to wearing adequate safety clothing and equipment, there are many things that a rider can do to minimise risk to him or herself and others. Of course, good quality head protection is a must and is a legal requirement in most countries. This is particularly important as it is proven to reduce potential injury and provide protection to one of the most vulnerable parts of the body.

Much of the safety gear that is associated with motorcycle riding has entered the realms of timelessly fashionable clothing; whether it is the classic design of the leather biker’s jacket or the traditional motor cycle boot. This makes it easy to forget that these have their origins as fully functional safety garments when it comes to being on the road on two wheels.


Seeking compensation

Although the chances of you falling foul of an accident may be higher if you are on two wheels instead of four or more, it doesn’t mean that you do not have any claim to compensation for injury that you suffer as a consequence of something that was not your fault. As with any other motor vehicle incident, you can be blameless yet still have you life disrupted as a consequence of another’s actions. In these cases you will most likely be able to claim accident compensation.

The only way to really be sure if you may have a solid case for a claim resulting from a motorbike accident is to seek out the advice of a specialised lawyer who deals with such cases on a daily basis.

Road Accidents – Your Next Steps

Road accidents sometimes happen due to no fault of our own.  The results can vary dramatically. Whether you are the victim of a huge pile-up or a crash that means your car is completely unfixable, both incidents will need to be addressed accordingly.

If you feel like you have been left a little confused by the whole ordeal and feel a little unsure about what to do after the event of the accident, a wise decision would be to invest in the help of an accident specialist. He or she will be able to tell you a little more about road accident claims.

Vehicle collisions

As well as the general public, someone that works alongside vehicles can often become subject to a road related injuries. Just as a window cleaner is more susceptible to a fall from a height, those that work on the road are more vulnerable to a vehicle related injury.

Quite often this is due to a lack of concentration. Phone calls, other cars, eating and texting sometimes distract drivers. Even though all these acts should be avoided at all costs whilst operating a vehicle, many people quite simply can’t resist the temptation.

In order to warn drivers of such accidents, some employers will explain the risks to their drivers prior to them beginning the role. Distracting activities are in fact the cause of the majority of road related incidents. This is quite frustrating, especially when each and every one of the above activities can be avoided.

Making a claim

Most road related incidents end in a claim. The insurance will only cover a small cost of a new car and most drivers will need extra funds in order to help them gain a full recovery. Compensation will cover the likes of medical costs, living costs and vehicle repairs.

In order to make a claim you will need to contact a road accident claims specialist. He or she will then be able to guide you through the entire procedure. More often than not, they will only require a small amount of information from you. Once they have received this, they will then allow you to get on with your life whilst they work on getting you every penny you deserve.

You will receive regular phone calls and emails in order to tell you how the case is going. Once the claim has been made and a cost has been settled, the solicitor will take his or her fees out of the other parties’ contribution. This means that you won’t be required to pay a penny out of your own back pocket.

Life after an accident

Getting back into a car after a crash may seem like a daunting experience, however if you don’t do it as soon as possible after the event, you may never be able to get in a vehicle again.

Take it slowly and allow yourself enough time for a full recovery. Going back to work too early could result in adverse effects.

If you require physiotherapy in order to mend damaged muscles, be sure to follow all the advice given by your therapist.

Been involved in a car accident? Stay calm and follow our guide for what to do next

Car accidents happen every day, some serious and some not so serious. However, drivers should be actively trying to reduce the number of car accidents as a number of fatal injuries which arise from careless driving could have been easily avoided.

So if you have been involved in a car accident as a driver or passenger, what steps should you take?

Not injured? Remain calm

If you have been lucky enough not to be harmed from a car accident, there is a chance that somebody else is. Therefore, it is especially important to stay calm as the chances are you will have to take necessary measures to ensure everybody else is safe.

Establish if anybody else is injured. This includes the driver and passengers in the car you are in, individuals inside any other vehicles, as well as pedestrians. If anybody has been hurt you must call an ambulance straight away and do your best to keep everybody involved calm.

Call the police

Safety is the most important factor straight after an accident. So once an ambulance has been called then the police need to be informed. It is illegal not to report a car accident within 24 hours of it occurring. Licenses can be disqualified, penalty points can be gained and drivers can be fined if they do not notify the police.

Don’t take the blame

The worst mistake any driver can make when a car accident happens is taking the blame for it. Apologising or taking responsibility for the accident if it was not your fault could be used against you if claims are made by any driver involved. Even if you think the accident is your fault you should not admit this until it has been confirmed and established by others involved or witnesses.

Get details

Being involved in a car accident is a horrible experience and many are left very shocked immediately after. However, it is important various details are collected from other people involved. The full name and address of all people involved in the accident should be noted.

Other drivers involved in a collision need to provide their car insurance details and it is worth trying to determine if they are the fully registered owner of the vehicle they were driving. If they are not the registered owner then they should provide the name and address of that person. The police need to be informed of anybody who leaves the scene without providing details.

Other details worth collecting are the conditions at the time of the accident. For example, the road conditions could be slippery or there could have been poor lighting.


Once you have contacted the emergency services, recorded details from drivers, passengers and witnesses it is time you decide whether you are entitled to make a claim with Injurylawyers4u – specialists in car accident claims.

You should make a claim as quickly as you can as there is a limited time period from the time of the accident.

The Most Common Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents

People often talk about car accidents because there are always more cars on the roads than motorcycles. However, attention should not be taken away from motorcycle accidents because like car accidents, they are very common and often more fatal to motorcyclists.

In fact, the UK roads see approximately 600 motorcyclists killed and roughly 7,000 seriously injured year after year.

Whilst cars have airbags to protect drivers and passengers from going through the windscreen and hitting themselves against dashboards, motorcycles don’t. Cars also have seat belts to prevent drivers and passengers becoming unseated, which prevents injuries but motorcycles lack this equipment as well.

The fact motorcycles don’t have seatbelts and airbags is quite obvious, but often people forget that not only are cars blessed with these two safety components, they also are built of metal which is a strong protective material that shelters occupants inside the vehicle.

So, despite car accidents being more common, motorcycle accidents can be much more dangerous. The most frequent injuries include:

Ligament injuries

The knee is the most common area a ligament injury will occur from a motorcycle injury. This is because often the impact from a motorcycle accident is twisted and the constant high level of tension can cause ligaments to stretch, which can lead to long-term if not permanent joint instability.


A large percentage of fractural injuries occur to the fibula and tibia, which are classed as lower limb injuries. These are common with motorcycle accidents with the worst case leading to permanent disability. Other serious outcomes from fractures can be internal damage to vital organs and amputation.

Motorcyclists that suffer less severe fractures can fully recover in a short space of time, although medical care is required.

Brain Injury

Unfortunately, the most frequent injury from motorcycle accidents happen to the brain. Despite the majority of motorcyclists always wearing a protective helmet, the force of impact that occurs to the head from a motorcycle collision is so severe the brain is put under massive pressure causing it to move.

When the brain moves in a situation, such as a motorcycle injury, the brain tissue and blood vessels are stretched and then squeezed, potentially causing life threatening injuries to the brain. Head injuries are responsible for most deaths related to motorcycle injuries.


When you think of all motorist accidents, most passengers and drivers will experience whiplash. This is because most motorist accidents cause the head and neck to violently jolt back and forth. The neck is the affected area as the ligaments and muscle at the neck become sprained from the force of movement.

Whiplash is often recovered in a short time, sometimes as quickly as a week; however more serious cases leave motorists suffering for the rest of their life.

Psychological injuries

Physical injuries typically are the most common with motorist accidents. However, most, if not all passengers and drivers involved experience some psychological trauma immediately after an accident.

Flashbacks of the accident can affect drivers and passengers causing many to fear getting back in a car or onto a motorbike.

If you were injured from a motorcycle accident, contact InjuryLawyers4U for advice and to discuss compensation you may be due for your injury, whether it is physical or psychological.