Can you make a claim for broken bones and fractures?

If one of your bones has been broken as a result of someone else’s actions or negligence, you could be entitled to make a claim for compensation to cover the pain and distress that they have caused you.  And make no mistake; we know how painful fractures can be.  Often dismissed as a minor inconvenience that sees the victim simply having to wear an uncomfortable cast for a few weeks, the fact is that broken bones can be extremely serious. Depending on the nature of the fracture, you may require surgery and months of rehabilitation in order to return to full health.  If you receive multiple fractures to the same limb you may be faced with a permanent disability.

Common situations which can result in bones being broken include:

Different kinds of broken bones

Most broken bones are more medically known as fractures, of which there are three main types.

  1. A hairline fracture is when the break is clean, but does not go completely through the bone.
  2. A simple fracture is a clean break that goes all the way through the bone, but does not pierce the skin or surrounding tissues.
  3. A compound fracture, which means the broken bone comes through the skin.

Hairline and simple fractures tend to mend relatively quickly, but compound fractures can result in months of physiotherapy and even skin grafts to repair surrounding soft tissue. Regardless of which kind of fracture you have, if another individual’s negligent act or omission caused you to break a bone; you are entitled to claim for compensation from that person or their company.

Lions in an elevator pondering a case

What does Making a Claim Involve?

If an individual or company can reasonably be said to have been responsible for the circumstances leading up to your injury, then they can be sued for compensation. If, for example, the injury happened at work and could have been prevented by proper training in the handling of machinery, better maintenance, or stricter safety guidelines, then your employers can be held responsible. They have a duty of care to provide a safe working environment for all employees and visitors to their premises and failure to maintain that duty of care can result in serious accidents.

Recovering from a broken bone can take a while, and may even, in severe cases, require extensive surgery, which only adds to the time needed for recuperation. Broken bones can also mean difficulty walking or performing standard everyday tasks, time off work to recover, having to hire help, or an increased reliance on access to vehicular transport (for example, having to take taxis or your partner having to do much more driving). This can all add up financially, leaving you worrying about your bank balance, rather than concentrating on recovery. By engaging us to seek rightful compensation on your behalf, we can relieve you of any financial stress.  Our team works on a no win no fee basis, therefore, you can make your claim without worrying about spiralling legal costs.

If you’d like to find out more about making a broken bone compensation claim, you can speak to one of our injury lawyers on 0333 400 4445. Alternatively, use the contact form and we’ll get straight back to you.

Our team prides itself on being friendly and approachable and we will ensure that you fully understand all your options before engaging us as your solicitors.