Criminal injuries are injuries that are sustained as a direct result of a crime. Examples include injuries resulting from mugging, poisoning, arson and animal attacks, and injuries caused by vehicles. The mental trauma of dealing with the aftermath of a violent crime – whether as a victim or a witness – is also classed as a criminal injury.

Why criminal injury claims are different

Unlike other personal injury claims, criminal injury claims are governed by special rules set out by the Ministry of Justice. Claims are dealt with by a government body called the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA), which uses a set scale called the Criminal Injuries Compensation Scheme to decide how much money will be paid to the victim. This depends on the severity of the injury and normally ranges from £1,000 to £500,000.

Additional payments

The amount of money you’re paid for your injury is called a ‘tariff payment’. Depending on your circumstances, CICA may be able to make extra payments covering loss of earnings, or costs for care and medical treatment that aren’t available on the NHS. Special payments may also be made to family members who have lost a loved one as a result of a violent crime, or to the victims of sexual offences.

Claiming for a criminal injury

You don’t have to be severely injured to qualify for a criminal injury award. The key point is that the injury was directly caused by the crime. However, you’ll need to meet certain conditions. These include:

  • Sustaining an injury that’s serious enough to qualify for at least a £1,000 award
  • Being injured in a violent crime that took place in England, Scotland or Wales within the last two years
  • Reporting to the incident to the police straightaway
  • Being 100% blameless for the crime itself and cooperating with the police at all times.


Not sure if you can claim? Talk to Injury Lawyers 4U

Criminal injury claims can be complex so it’s worth taking professional legal advice. Injury Lawyers 4U, a national network of specialist personal injury lawyers, can help. We’ll tell you if you have a valid claim, offer help and advice with the claims process and help you get all the compensation you deserve.

We work on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, so there’s nothing to lose by seeking our advice. Call us today on 0845 345 4444 to discuss your claim with our expert advisers.

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