Slips, trips and falls are responsible for many of the personal injuries cases we manage.  If you have slipped on a wet floor in say, a supermarket, and there were no warning notices in sight, then the owner of the store could be found to have been negligent.

Trips and Slips in the Workplace

The Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 impose duties relating to the way in which buildings and their facilities affect employees.  This includes floors and traffic routes which must be uneven or slippery.  If your employer has failed in their duty to maintain a slip-free, even floor and you have sustained an injury after slipping or tripping, then you may be entitled to claim compensation.

Tripping on a Footpath

Trips and slips on footpaths are covered by the Highways Act 1980.  A highway is a defined way over which all members of the public have the right to pass without hindrance.  This includes:

  • Public Streets
  • Walkways
  • Footpaths
  • Roads

Therefore, if you trip over an overgrown tree root on a footpath and sustain an injury, you need to contact us to discuss compensation.

Call Us

Why not give us a call on 0333 400 4445 and ask our opinion regarding your situation.  It is free of charge and you are under no obligation to proceed with the claim after speaking to us.