An episode of the BBC TV programme Watchdog, aired on 8 May, has highlighted problems with certain washing machine models ‘exploding’ during use. This isn’t the first time these issues have been featured on the programme, and reports of exploding washing machines can also be found on consumer forums dating back to 2010.

Watchdog revealed that the ‘explosions’ happen during the spin cycles, resulting in dials, doors and drawers being blown off the machines, drums twisting and buckling, and concrete balancing blocks being pushed through the washer roofs. As well as destroying the machines themselves, extensive damage has been caused to owners’ kitchens and utility rooms.

What’s more, children and adults have been injured by flying debris, with one woman saying that she suffered permanent nerve damage after her machine exploded. Despite all this, the two models identified on Watchdog haven’t been recalled. Whilst the company has previously acknowledged that there is a ‘technical issue’ affecting a ‘small percentage’ of these machines, it insists a recall isn’t necessary as the risk is ‘low’.

However, under UK law, all product manufacturers have a duty to regulate their products and make sure they’re fit for purpose. And if you’ve been injured by a defective product of any kind, then the law says you could be entitled to claim compensation.

Why make a defective product claim?

There are lots of reasons why you should claim. For a start, you deserve financial redress for the physical pain you’ve suffered as a result of your injury, plus any mental trauma you may have sustained. You may have had to take time off work, resulting in loss of earnings, or you may have incurred costs for non-NHS treatment such as counselling or osteopathy to help you recover. The compensation you receive will help ease these financial pressures.

However, it’s just as important that the defective products that have caused you harm are identified and brought to public attention. Whether it’s a drug with harmful side effects, a faulty child car seat or an exploding washing machine, speaking out about your experiences could help prevent other people being injured in the future.

Let InjuryLawyers 4U help

Injury Lawyers 4U are a national network of experienced, specialist personal injury lawyers, who’ve dealt with hundreds of successful defective product claims. We work on a genuine ‘no win, no fee’ basis, so there’s nothing to lose by asking our advice. And if you have a valid claim, we’ll guide you through the process, every step of the way.

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