Dog attacks have featured prominently in the news recently, with incidents such as the killing of 14 year old Jade Anderson by a pack of dogs raising questions around tightening dog control legislation. But whilst fatalities from dog attacks might be rare, the number of hospital admissions related to dog bites is rising.

According to the latest NHS statistics, 6,447 people were admitted to hospital for dog bites in 2011-2012, an increase of 5.2% on the previous year. Of these victims, 1,040 were aged under 10. A variety of different treatments were used to treat the resulting injuries, with plastic surgery being the most common requirement. Other treatment types included oral and maxillo facial surgery and trauma or orthopaedic care.

However, the damage caused by dog bites can go far beyond physical injuries. Being attacked by a dog or any other animal can cause severe emotional or psychological trauma. Many victims suffer nightmares, flashbacks, anxiety or depression. They may be forced to give up work, leading to financial insecurity, or stop pursuing hobbies or interests they used to enjoy.

If this has happened to you, claiming compensation for your injuries will help you regain some quality of life. As well as easing the financial pressure if you need to take time off work, or stop working altogether, you’ll be able to pay for any extra treatment or therapy you need to recover and move on with your life.

Talk to the personal injury experts

Injury Lawyers 4U are a national network of personal injury specialists. We have wide experience of dealing with all kinds of personal injury claims, including claims for dog bites and other injuries caused by animals.

Claims for dog attacks can be complex, and we may need to gather medical evidence and investigate the background and behavioural patterns of the animal that attacked you. You can rest assured that our expert lawyers will assess your case to find out if you have a valid claim before guiding you the through the process, step by step.

We’re here to help you 24/7

Our expert legal advisers are on hand to offer the advice and support you need. Call us on 0845 345 4444 at any time of the day or night to find out if you can claim. We are ‘no win, no fee’ solicitors, so there’s nothing to lose by asking us to handle your case.

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