How to make a claim if you have lost your eyesight

If you have lost your eyesight as a result of someone’s negligent act or omission, then they could be liable to pay you compensation for the damage done, regardless of whether your loss of eyesight is minor or extreme. Eyesight loss may come about through violence involving injuries to the eye area, any accident involving head trauma or a brain injury, accidents with sharp objects, machinery, or exposure to chemicals. Extremely bright lights can also sometimes cause blindness. If ignored or left untreated, minor eyesight problems can worsen with time, so it is essential to get any loss of vision checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.

Situations Where There may be Grounds for a Claim

You may be eligible to make a claim if the conditions in which you lost your eyesight were the responsibility of another individual or company. Obviously, if you have been the victim of an assault then your attacker is the one responsible for your eyesight loss, and can be prosecuted accordingly. If your personal injury took place at work, then an investigation must be undertaken to ascertain if your employers did everything they could to prevent it. Anyone doing a job involving exposure to dangerous materials or equipment should always be provided with proper training and adequate eye protection equipment if necessary.

If your employer allowed unsafe working conditions to prevail or did not thoroughly check as to what precautions were essential, you may be able to claim for compensation.

Medical negligence can also give rise to loss of vision claims. For example, if your doctor failed to correctly diagnose a degenerative eye condition which subsequently went untreated and caused partial or total loss of vision.

The Effect of Losing Your Eyesight

Losing your eyesight can be deeply upsetting, overwhelming, and difficult to cope with. You may have to make a lot of lifestyle changes. Staying at your job might no longer be feasible, looking after children or elderly parents will suddenly become a lot harder, and you will have to learn to interact with the world in a completely new way.

You will need time, help, and medical rehabilitation and support to come to terms with your new reality and compensation can provide a lifeline in this very stressful time.  It can take the anxiety of money concerns and lost income away, leaving you to concentrate on what is most important, your recovery.

Talk to Us

Most people choose our no win no fee arrangement when taking on our services as this reduces their personal risk.  Our solicitors are approachable, intelligent and have a wealth of experience in both mediation and litigation proceedings.  Call us on 0333 400 4445 to discuss your situation or fill in our contact form and we will come back to you as soon as possible.