Personal Injury Solicitors you can trust to help get your life back on track

No one can predict when accidents and injury will happen. By taking basic precautions most people are able to avoid simple accidents, and by being a little more aware of our own surroundings we can normally avoid the majority of risks when they present themselves. But, a serious personal injury can be potentially devastating both for you and your loved ones, and create long term problems both physically and financially, by affecting your ability to work as well as your earning potential.

This could be a road accident, an accident at work, on holiday or at home, and it can seem enormously unfair to have to suffer when it was not your fault. At Injury Lawyers 4U we aim to redress that balance, and if the accident wasn’t your fault, get you the compensation you deserve and need to get your life back on track.

What is personal injury?

The term relates to any injury to a person, physiological or psychological, that is sustained as a result of the negligence of another party. If it can be proven that the negligence of the third party was responsible for a problem arising from a preventable accident, then compensation may be due.

At Injury Lawyers 4U we are here to help you get the compensation you deserve. We have vast experience dealing with claims for a variety of injuries, including:

Am I entitled to a claim?

If you have sustained any of the above injuries, or any for that matter, following an accident that was someone else’s fault, then you could have grounds to make a compensation claim. This is done by first establishing what evidence you have that your injury was a result of someone else’s negligence. You should then get in touch with us to understand the potential of making a claim.

Treating injuries can be expensive, and rehabilitation can take a long time. The money from a compensation claim can help you to pay for treatment, and to ensure that it doesn’t impact your quality of life, as well as recouping any lost expenses through an inability to work now and in the future.

How do I claim compensation for a personal injury I’ve sustained?

To discuss whether you may potentially be able to claim compensation for you or someone close to you, call Injury Lawyers 4U today on 0333 400 4445. Alternatively, use our contact form and one of our team will get in touch at a time to suit you.

We operate on a ‘no win, no fee’ basis, meaning that in the event that your claim is unsuccessful you won’t have to pay a penny. In this way, we’re able to remove all risk to you of making a claim, helping you to get on with your life.