What is Considered a Slip or Trip?

Slips and trips are amongst the most common types of personal injury claim, mainly because there are so many hazards that can cause you to slip, trip or fall in everyday life. They can happen anytime, anywhere, including:

  • In a shop
  • At work
  • At a public, outdoor event
  • At school
  • In someone else’s home

These falls can be very painful, and in some cases cause severe injury, particularly in the elderly.

In order to make a claim for compensation you will need to be able to show that the slip or trip you experienced was caused by someone breaching their duty of care to you and this resulted in you suffering damage.

Damage can take the form of:

  • Injuries
  • Lost wages due to time off work
  • Psychological distress
  • The incurrence of medical costs

Common Injuries from Slips and Trips

A slip, trip or fall can result in many different types of injury, depending on the surface and the part of the body you land on. In minor cases, the injured person will only have cuts and bruises. However, in the most severe instances, slips and trips can cause brain injury and even fatality. Here are the most common injuries that lead to a claim:

To see what level of compensation you could receive for the injury you suffered in a slip, trip or fall, try using our compensation calculator.

Evidence Needed for Slip and Trip Claims

For the best chance of a successful claim and securing compensation, it’s important that evidence is supplied that clearly demonstrates who was responsible for the accident, the injury or injuries that were sustained and how severe they are. Following your slip, trip or fall, there are several things you can do to help build a case:

  • Photograph the accident scene – This will help demonstrate how the accident happened and the fault that caused it. Make sure to capture the obstacle that caused your slip, trip or fall. Take accurate measurements and photograph the measurements so that your lawyer can assess liability
  • Report the accident – If you suffered an accident at work, workplaces are legally required to have an accident book that records every accident, no matter how minor or significant. If your accident was in a public place, such as a supermarket or while walking on a pavement, report it directly to the store or to the council. Make sure to request a copy of the report to prove the location and time of the  accident.
  • Speak to witnesses – Witness statements will help strengthen your claim, especially in situations where the defendant denies responsibility. Ask for witnesses to give you their details so that your solicitor can contact them later.
  • Request CCTV footage – If your accident took place in an area that’s covered by CCTV cameras, or was recorded by a witness, it’s worth requesting a copy of the footage.
  • Seek medical treatment – It’s important that you look after your health and seek treatment for your injury as soon as possible. Whether you visit a GP or go to A&E at the hospital, you can request a copy of your medical notes that prove the extent of your injury. 

Am I Eligible to Claim Compensation for a Slip or Trip?

The answer to this question is that it depends. If you trip over something that would ordinarily be there, such as a kerb or a low wall, then you will struggle to be able to blame someone else for your misfortune. The same applies to slipping on a wet floor if signs are displayed warning you that the floor is wet. It is your own responsibility to heed those warnings and no one else can be held responsible for an accident arising from such a fall but yourself.

However, if there are no wet floor signs despite there being reasonable opportunity to place them, or you trip over a kerb stone that is out of place or something that shouldn’t be there, then you may have grounds for slip compensation. If the accident was preventable by a third party taking reasonable precautions and they have failed to do so, then they could be held financially accountable for your suffering or injury.

Our lawyers have many years’ experience distinguishing between the two scenarios described above and will assess your situation quickly and efficiently so you know whether you have a valid claim.

Time Limits for Making Slip and Trip Claims

At InjuryLawyers4U, we believe it’s best to inquire about opening a claim as soon as possible if you’ve been injured in a slip, trip or fall that wasn’t your fault. That’s because in instances of personal injury, there is generally a time limit of three years from the date of the accident to pursue a compensation claim. Giving your solicitor the maximum amount of time possible will enable them to build a strong case and gather as much information and evidence as possible before sending the claim to the defendant. 

If you’re claiming on behalf of a child, you can instigate a claim at any time before their 18th birthday. Once they turn 18, the three-year time limit will apply and they will have to initiate the claim themselves.

Start Your Slip and Trip Claim with InjuryLawyers4U

At InjuryLawyers4U our solicitors specialise in trip, slip and fall trip compensation claims. Our experience and expertise means that we can help you to get the compensation that you deserve and enable you to get on with your life. If you would like advice on whether you may be able to make a claim, then get in touch with us today on 0333 400 4445, or fill in this contact form and we will come straight back to you.