Claiming for an accident at sea

Travelling by sea is statistically one of the safest ways to travel, whether it’s on a ferry or a cruise liner. Safety measures on ships have developed to new levels of excellence in recent decades, particularly since the tragic Zeebrugge ferry disaster of 1987. Today thankfully, even the most serious maritime incidents result in relatively few serious injuries.

Not 100% guaranteed safe

However, travel by sea is not 100% guaranteed to be safe. We all remember the 2012 Costa Concordia accident where 32 passengers lost their lives off the coast of Italy. Injuries can and do still occur at sea, often as a result of negligence or carelessness.

Injuries can be caused by or include:

  • Burns due to hot food or drinks being spilled
  • Inappropriate use of on-board equipment by staff
  • Trips or falls as a result of slippery or poorly maintained floors or steps
  • Injuries received from objects falling in rough weather conditions
  • Injury or death resulting from the sinking of the vessel

Should you claim?

Such injuries, even seemingly innocuous ones, can dramatically impact your lifestyle back on land, potentially affecting your ability to work as well as your quality of life. Illness is often associated with cruise holidays, particularly in the first few days, but while a little ‘sea-sickness’ is to be expected until you get your sea legs, mistreatment or mismanagement of an illness outbreak by the crew can still have very serious effects.

If you are unsure whether or not to make a claim for compensation contact us for a no-obligation evaluation of the circumstances surrounding your injuries.  If we ascertain that the trauma you have received has resulted from negligence on behalf of a ship’s crew or the tour company if applicable, we will advise you and represent you in a tribunal or court if you wish to pursue a civil suit.
Why Contact Us?

If you’ve recently suffered an injury or you’d like to find out more about what we can do, contact us via our quick contact form. Our expert team of legal professionals can advise you on what your options are and how best to proceed.  Alternatively you can phone us directly on 0333 400 4445.

We are committed to offering all people, no matter what their socio-economic circumstances are, access to justice. Therefore, we offer no win no fee arrangements.